
Fantasia’s Husband Kendall Taylor Explains How He Gets His Wife To ‘Submit’

By | September 20, 2019

“Most women are trying to be a leader, that’s why you can’t find a man”, the singer told ‘The Breakfast Club’. “You can’t be the king in the house. Fall back and be the queen and let your man lead the way.”

The co-host Angela Yee brought up her own thoughts on the advice by saying that ‘some women have no choice,’ to which Barrino replied, “It’s a generational curse, and how society has placed our men. And how women have to stand up to be the mother, and the father and the provider. So now you are so bad that you can’t be told nothing. That when the right man come, you lose him because you’re trying to be the man.”

Photo: The Baller Life

“At the end of the day, I’m the neck, my man’s the head. He can’t make any moves without his wife, you know what I mean? It all works together.”

“You have to learn how to submit,” she continued.

Keep reading to find out what happened NEXT!

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