
Ex CNN Anchor Isha Sesay Is 46, ‘Pregnant & Single’ … Couldn’t Find Her CAUCASIAN Mr Right!

By | October 28, 2022

Seeing how her relationships were going, Sesay, 46, decided to take matters in her own hands and went ahead the IVF route to start a family as a single mother.

The British journalist went for a sperm donor but did not indulge if she opted for a Black or White man for a sperm donor. But she did say that she is very happy with her decision to start her family on her own.

She added: “If you’d told the 16-year-old me that at 46, I’d be divorced, single and having a baby on my own — by choice! — I’d have shuddered and firmly said “no!” Back then, I had very definite ideas about the future course my personal life would take, and it didn’t look like this. I imagined something way more straightforward and dare I say it, conventional.”

Image: pbs


Sesay seems super happy with the new chapter in her life and was the first to share the news with fans on social media.

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