The Smartest Presidents in American History

By | October 4, 2019

Warren G. Harding – IQ 139.9
Warren Harding is arguably one of the most popular presidents in US history. However, scandals like “The Teapot Dome” stained his bright reputation. The disgraceful event enabled private oil companies the right to obtain oil and gas from federal land in Wyoming, headed by Harding’s interior secretary, Albert Fall. This subversive move devalued Harding in the minds of many Americans to one of the most feebleminded men to have ever held power.

Harding’s leadership was filled with controversy and drama as he had strong beliefs in an America where the wealthy could be free to become wealthier. Despite the major boost he gave to the country’s economy, his good points weren’t enough to overcome the Teapot Dome Scandal and a raft of other problems he created in the Oval Office.Thank you, next!

