
Mark Wahlberg Exposed Following #BlackLivesMatter Post For 1986 Hate Crimes On Blacks! (Details)

By | June 9, 2020

Actor Mark Wahlberg is being slammed and exposed following his #BlackLivesMatter post for 1986 “Hate Crimes” on blacks!

Many celebrities have come forward and shown support for the #BlackLivesMatter protests. While many stars marched alongside protesters, most expressed their support by sharing posts about the iconic movement.

49-year-old Boston-born actor Mark Wahlberg is one of the celebs who also took to Instagram and shared a post about #BlackLivesMatter. But it backfired very quickly.

Immediately following his post, people started bashing him and accused him of “hate crimes” against the black and Asian community.


Image: Apekshanews


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