The Most Fascinating Discoveries Found on Mars

By | October 4, 2019

Alien Communication?
This image was snapped by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in February of 2016. Notice how these formations’ dark and raised areas seem to resemble the dots and dashes of Morse code? Could it be the red planet’s way of communicating with humans?

Sadly, this is yet another theory we have to report as having been debunked. Apparently, even if you try to interpret the code, it means nothing. According to planetary scientist Veronica Bray, the dune image spells out a whole bunch of gibberish. She shared with Gizmondo the Morse code interpretation that reads, “NEE NED ZB 6TNN DEIBEDH SIEFI EBEEE SSIEI ESEE SEEE !!” If you have any idea what that means then, by all means, reach out to NASA right away.

