
MMA Fighter Dwayne Herelle Jr. STABBED Ex-Girlfriend 17 Times… Then Stuffed Her Body In The Closet (DETAILS)

By | February 21, 2023

Once in his apartment, Herelle forced the body into a storage bin and then hid it in his closet. He then disposed of her purse and bloody clothes in a nearby dumpster.

Torres’ parents started looking for her when she did not return from her shift on the day of her murder. On checking security camera footage, Torres’ father saw her getting dragged by Herelle, however, the shot wasn’t clear.

Her father drove to Herelle’s apartment to look for his daughter however Herrelle initially denied knowing her whereabouts.

Close sources revealed that Torres and Herelle had broken up in Dec 2022 and many noted that their relationship was ‘abusive.’

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